India-Pak Relations: Geopolitics at play
Pakistan and India gained independence jointly from British Raj in 1947. Upon Independence both countries pursued the policy of nonalignment as both were preoccupied with disputes inter se over Kashmir, water rights and division of resources. Forming alliances: The partition of British India resulted in the greatest migration of recent history as Millions crossed border on both sides; in fact over 10 million people died or went missing as a result of communal related violence. The bloody partition ensured that relations between the two countries became fraught. India's sheer big size, its aggressive policy towards Pakistan and economic, political and military support it received from Soviet Union drew Pakistan into military partnership with Washington first in 1955 short- lived Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), which also included Turkey, Iraq, and later through bilateral arrangements. Also in 1955 Pakistan joined the now-defunct SEATO, which together with its involvements with...