Steve Jobs' 'Apple'


While viewing the movie 'Jobs', I felt it customary to keep my phone away. It was not because I wanted to pay full attention to the movie, but, it was purely based on the fact that Steve Jobs, the man who found Apple, deserved respect.

Released in 2013, Jobs tells the story of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. It tells the iconic and amazing saga of Steve Jobs and the hardships he went through to build Apple and the greatest mobile the world has ever seen, the iPhone. Through very pleasing frames and acting, we understand why Apple became the brand it is today. It is all because of one man. It's founder, Steve Jobs. Played by Ashton Kutcher, he has done a pretty good job in trying to portray the man that was Jobs. 

Steve Jobs has made Apple iconic. It's as easy as that. The struggle he goes through just makes it possible for a common man to relate to him. 

Although a brilliant man, he never feels like attending classes when joins a reputed university. He wastes his time on other things that do end up shaping his life. A boy who's never met his parents, Jobs has always been disturbed about that. He never let these things get to his head too much and finally made the masterpiece that is Apple.

When Apple was founded in the late 20th century, he started it in a garage with his friend, Kevin Wozniack. He was amazed by the prototype Kevin had made. Jobs felt that he could create a revolution with this computer and indeed, he did. What followed was simply the sheer dedication and determination that Jobs had in him to make Apple the electronic and business tycoon he is today. 

If I had to explain in one word what makes Apple iconic, it would be 'technology'. When the iPhone was introduced, people were baffled. It was never-seen-before technology, design, and style. Jobs knew that he had it in him to take the risk and make Apple big. The phones sold like hot snacks, The world couldn't wait for the next iPhone to drop. 

Even today in 2020, when the world is going through a pandemic and various crises, people were excited when the iPhone 12 dropped. They didn't care if it was one and a half lakh rupees. They were ready to pay and own the mobile. 

This perfectly sums up what makes Apple iconic. Though Steve Jobs succumbed to cancer, his legacy still holds it's head high and continues to live on. No matter the year or the latest Macbook or iPhone, people will always run hither tither to own one. 


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