
Showing posts from February, 2022

Effect of Media Ownership on Content and marketing

  The media industry is vital to informing and entertaining the general public. While the media industry offers numerous national options to the public, local media outlets are more likely than national sources to present local programming that meets the needs of residents in the market. While many firms are scrambling to capitalize on new direct-to-consumer channels, few have altered their brand narratives or content development strategies as they migrate from paying others to broadcast their content to using it for direct consumer engagement. Despite the opportunities, few companies — and even fewer of their agencies — appear to have the content, process, and procedures in place to fully profit from direct audience delivery. While the current brand-agency paradigm has been successful in exploiting search and social algorithms to distribute "brand" materials more efficiently, the efforts that have arisen from this approach have failed to deliver on three crucial elements: en...

Is media used for political gains?

As we all know, no media source in the world operates without a certain aim in mind. As a product or rather an expression, the 'fourth estate' is slowly fading and losing its credibility as an independent medium that speaks out on global issues. The media has long been seen as important, patriotic, and trustworthy in India's socioeconomic and political history. However, as TRP has risen and the news environment has become more commercialized in recent years, public faith in the media has eroded, and India's democracy has suffered the most serious blow. The media's embrace of crony capitalism is eroding journalism's profession and ethics. Receiving money or favors from firms, governments, political parties, or significant organizations in exchange for reporting favorable news about them is becoming more widespread in the media. As a result, the truth is kept hidden, producing pain among the people and, ultimately, democracy's failure. The media has been acqui...

Impact of Covid on Media Stakeholders

Few economic sectors appear to have done well during the Covid19 crisis. The media sector is one of them. The need for knowledge has never been higher, but the amount of time accessible has never been lower. According to Muck Rack Trends, more than 2.6 million articles about coronavirus have been written since the beginning of the year (this figure doubled over the past week).  A webinar was conducted at Identity earlier this week about all aspects of COVID-19 internal and external communication. They had a resoundingly favorable reception and a lot of insightful feedback from participants all throughout the country. During that speech, the current state of the media was a key topic of discussion. With history being written right in front of our eyes, organizations must soothe their concerns about being a part of the COVID-19 story. Almost every news story for the foreseeable future will be interpreted through the lens of this life-changing event. We've never seen such a hunger for...